games are an interactive medium, this is part of their very nature.
An interesting aspect of the hobby is that, short of bundling a
controller with the game, the creators of the games don’t get much
of a say in how we interact with their creations. Further, a robust
market of third party manufacturers makes it so that even the
companies responsible for producing the gaming consoles themselves
don’t get the final say in the form and function of the input
devices we use to play games on their hardware. All of this is to say
that anyone who collects games likely has a plethora of control
options beyond those that shipped with their systems at their
disposal, from cheaper knock offs of the first party controllers to
options specialized for certain games to true oddities that purport
to improve on some short coming of the more standard options. In each
article in the Control Issues series, we will take a deep look at a
particular controller and then try to evaluate it in terms of both
form and function.
Believe me, this thing feels worse than it looks (and it looks pretty bad). |
In this
Control Issues, we are taking a look at product of Transcriber Company
Incorporated: The Faster Blaster. This is one of the oddest
controllers that I have in my personal collection. As a controller
for the Atari VCS and other systems that use that controller
standard, you could be forgiven for thinking that this is simply a
cheap third party keyboard controller replacement with an overlay.
The truth, however, is much worse. First, the build quality of the
Faster Blaster is atrocious. Rather that the hard plastic shells
favored by pretty much all other manufacturers, Transcriber decided
to use a cheap, flimsy feeling plastic that seems only slightly
stronger than the kind of plastic that things are regularly packaged in. The
Faster Blaster literally bends and flexes in normal use. Making
matters worse, the front is not an overlay; it is a membrane keypad
that maps out the functions of a normal Atari joystick. All of the
function with none of the tactile feedback.
accepting that it is cheaply made and bizarre in form, why does the
Faster Blaster exist? To answer that question one must take a look at
one of Atari’s most popular arcade games. Released in 1979,
Asteroids was a sensation; so much so that multiple Lunar Lander
cabinets were converted to Asteroids late on the production line to
try to keep up with demand. One of the unique features of Asteroids
to bear in mind is that it did not use a joystick in the arcade.
Rather, its control panel featured an array of five buttons: rotate
left, rotate right, hyperspace, thrust, and fire. Given the game’s
popularity home conversions were inevitable and Atari did a good job
of logically mapping the games five buttons to the standard joystick
controller (something not achieved by CBS Electronics in Omega Race).
Despite Atari’s skillful remapping, third parties saw an
opportunity to cash in by providing players with controllers that
replicated the five discrete buttons of the arcade cabinet. These
ranged from well done attempts like the Starplex Deluxe Video Game
Controller (itself a candidate for a future edition of Control
Issues) to shallow cash grabs like the Faster Blaster.
The CX-40 and the Faster Blaster will square off in the most noble of arenas: the 2600 port of Asteroids. |
At this
point, the only thing left to do is to find out how well the Faster
Blaster works and whether it lives up to its box’s claims of
“ultra-fast firing” and “higher scores”. I can think of no better test than the game responsible for the Faster Blaster's existence, the 2600 port of Asteroids. This is one of my favorite games (actually the first game I ever played) and I can regularly wrap the score around multiple times
while playing on Game 1 with UFOs and satellites enabled. This is one
of the games that I am actually fairly competitive on and I would
welcome the Faster Blaster with open arms, assuming it does actually
provide an edge. To find out if this is the case I will be playing
eight games of Asteroids with the aforementioned settings. Four of
these games will be played with the joystick that shipped with the
console, the Atari CX-40, and the other four will be played with the
Faster Blaster. After each set of four games, I’ll average the
scores and discuss the experience to try to capture some of the feel
of using each controller.
I am somewhat rusty with the CX-40 but I feel like this is a respectable showing nonetheless. |
At the end
of four games with the CX-40, I ended up with an average score of
231,315 points. I feel pretty good about this run. After all, the
CX-40 is not the controller I use most often when playing the 2600
(that would be a controller of my own design). Given that, I was
struck by some of the peculiarities of the CX-40. There is very
little play in the CX-40; the stick barely moves. However, in spite
of the low play, due to the internal design of the controller, the
CX-40 can still feel unresponsive. That being said, the CX-40 is
still a perfectly serviceable control option. My third game proves
that the CX-40 doesn’t prevent you from getting in to the zone and
making a great run on a game. All four of the games I played with the
CX-40 involved precise use of thrust to weave between the titular
asteroids and a judicious use of hyperspace to escape certain doom.
While it won’t be replacing my home-built controller anytime soon,
the CX-40 provides a solid baseline for comparison.
No, I didn't forget to add the wrap around scores... |
I feel
like I barely need to say anything to drive home how abysmal the
Faster Blaster is. The scores really do speak for themselves. I went
from at least wrapping the score around once with a controller that I
don’t regularly use to not even breaking 25,000 with an average of 21,625. That is over 200,000 points less than the CX-40 average. While I feel like I
could just stop there, I am going to attempt to describe just how
terrible playing with the Faster Blaster really is. Other membrane
keyboard based devices often have a raised edge around the buttons or other tactile addition so
that you can tell roughly where your thumbs are without having to
look. Transcriber Company felt no such need. The entire keypad on the
Faster Blaster is totally smooth making figuring out where each
button is in the middle of each game a panicked nightmare. Every one
of my games featured moments of me jabbing blindly at the Faster
Blaster in the vague hope of just rotating in time to blast away an
asteroid, let alone activating thrust or hyperspace. This controller
was truly ahead of its time, bringing the horror of smartphone touch
controls to an eighties home console. As an added bonus, the cord on
the Faster Blaster is even shorter than the one on the CX-40, which
wasn’t winning any awards for cord length itself.
While the CX-40 is leagues ahead of the Faster Blaster, neither will be replacing the arcade grade components of my home-built beauty any time soon. |
The Faster
Blaster is emblematic of the kind of blind rush to get into the video
game industry that led to the Crash of ‘83. Everything about the
Faster Blaster screams rushed and half-assed. The build quality is
terrible and the design is poorly thought out. The Faster Blaster
existed solely to try to grab a part of the flood of video game cash
that was flowing in the pre-crash years. The only reason to own a
Faster Blaster is as a curiosity. It is so poorly conceived and executed that it can serve as a
conversation starter. That said, I ended up with the two that I own
because they were part of a lot of Atari controllers that I won on eBay. If they hadn’t
come in to my possession that way, I am fairly confident that I would
not have sought them out. Their awfulness simply outweighs their
That will
do it for this one. Thanks for joining me for the inaugural edition
of Control Issues. I hope to see you back here next time. If you have
any suggestions for unique controllers that you would like to see me
take a look at in future editions drop them in the comments.
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